
Canon A1 - FD3,5-135 - KODAK TRIX400@400ISO


autumn 2015

frame 1-6 is a journey through forgotten buildings…

frame 7-9 from the same day later on my way back home along the river rhine  

frame 10-13 my son Leander reading in the sun and portraits of him 

development details

1.minute  initially 10s move, then 40s silence and 10s move

2.- 9.minute 50s silence and 10s move

stop bath with 2% acid just 15s  

Tetanal Super Fix 1+4, 20°C,  for 2 minutes, every 30 sec. move

3/6/12/24 washing 

5min in distilled water with one trop of  dish detergent “Spüli”  

ready to dry

Using Format