
11.2015 - KOAK TMX100 -Voigtländer Bessa 6X9

so hier beginnt es nun “the next step” auf meiner analogen Reise

meine erste Schwarz&Weiß Film Entwicklung “at home”

this developer of Kodak HC110 is similar to honey, so be careful

“even tought it looks like honey, keep it off of pancakes ;-)” 

HC110 dillutionH1+63@20°C for 12min

Tetanal SuperFix 1+4, 20°C for 2minutes, every30sec.(3 rotations)

3/6/12/24 washing

10min. just lying in distilled water 20°C 

ready to dry

the portrait of that Beauty (below the first one)was taken with a Minolta S-RT 101 on fujisensia200 inside

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