

Hasselblad 500cm  fujiacros100 + fujiprovia100rdpIII

Gasometer  Oberhausen 

frame 1 und 2  on fujiacros100

frame 3 -6 on fuji provia100

developing details:

recipe 12  in  Kodak HC110

dilution1+119@20°C for 20 minutes 

every 3rd minute agitation for 15 seconds

until the 18th minute then 2 minutes rest

at the end of the development time, I moved the tin less

fix as always 1+4 in Tetanal Super Fix 4 minutes 

washing 5I10I20  ilford method

at the end Mirasol2000 and one trop of water 1+400 for one minute with a little agitation

ready to dry

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